Some kid came by the store today. He mentioned having some kind of 'encounter' at the high school pool. Ned got even weirder than usual before he rushed off with the kid. I think Duck went with them too. I'm still suspicious of that dude ever since the Smokey thing. It's not like Ned to keep things quiet. Normally I can't get the dude to shut up. I've been thinking about those drones he bought. They've just been lying around gathering dust. I'm sure he wouldn't notice if I borrowed one for the day. I don't know why but I think Barclay's mad at me. Not that we were ever best friends or whatever but he's a friendly dude. I get dinner at the lodge at least once a week and he'd always say hi if he had the chance. But lately he stays in the kitchen and it feels pointed. Friends are a hard thing to replace in this town and I just wish I knew what I'd done so I could fix it. Ned's been acting strange. I mean, he's always acting strange but it's been different ever since the whole Bigfoot thing. The shop's safe for now and hopefully him blowing all his extra money on drones won't come back to bite him, and by extension me, in the ass but it's hard to tell now. Good things never last long and Ned's been so distracted lately I'm worried he won't keep this momentum going.